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Clinical Info: Office Chart

  • The Privacy "Lock" Screen

    To maintain patient confidentiality we have created a Privacy layout that blanks out your screen if your computer is inactive for fifteen minutes. This will allow you to walk away from your computer a...

  • How to write an Intake History and Physical

    Introduction History and Physical captures patient information at the initial visit and it is then for used throughout the patient's time in the practice. Its uses range from creating a letter for the...

  • How to Dictate Into the EMR

    Artisan provides two dictation tools - Nuance's Dragon Dictation and Google Voice. Google Voice is free and available to all EMR users, but will not provide the high level of medical dictation accurac...

  • How to Write Basic Progress Notes

    Progress Notes combine information from different sources to create a record of patient care. All notes created by staff members and SOAP notes generated from the cycle progress notes will flow into t...

  • How to Enter and View Ultrasound Exams/Images

    There are multiple places inside of Artisan where ultrasounds are recorded. For out of cycle ultrasounds, the steps are listed below. If you have an ultrasound integration, the information may be tran...

  • Automatically Upload Ultrasound Exams

    Artisan imports images, follicle, and endometrial measurement reports from internet-connected ultrasound machines that support DICOM reporting. Use the Worklist to Start an Exam Ultrasound machines th...

  • How to use the To Do List

    Introduction The To Do List system provides a means for staff to communicate important messages regarding patient care by tasking one another with To Dos for the patients, partners, surrogates and don...

  • How to Write Procedure Notes

    Introduction Use Procedure Notes to generate your reports for office based procedures such as sonoHSG, endometrial biopsy, hysteroscopy, etc from templates you have created and stored in the system. C...

  • How to use the Tickle List

    Tickle List Tickle List offers a means of automating common office functions such as following a new patient through their testing or coordinating an ART cycle. Additionally, you can add a preset grou...

  • Viewing and Entering Lab Results Within the Chart

    The Laboratory Testing section is a summary of all lab results for both the patient and the partner. Navigation To access the lab results, go to the Progress Notes/Labs section of the patient's chart....