This manual will provide an introduction to the different types of cycles that live within Artisan. Some of the combinations consist of egg providers and recipients, PGT-m and PGT-a, delayed embryo t...
Lab Notes allows you to generate a unique Accession Number for each biological sample brought into the lab. Accession Number Log The Accession number log is viewed in the Specimen Log: How to Create...
Lab Notes has a graphical interface that allows you to enter oocyte/embryo data from a pop-up menu. Below are the steps on how to enter fresh oocytes from an egg retrieval into the Notes. This method ...
Once oocytes have been retrieved or thawed, the Lab Notes tab is used to manage, track and grade embryo development day by day. This is done by either bulk grading or individual embryo grading. Lab N...
You may enter cryopreserved material into any Lab Notes - IVF, FET, Donor Recipient, or Surrogate Recipient Cycles. How to Thaw Oocytes From a cycle in Lab notes go to the Oocyte Thaw tab. To thaw oo...
Much like Progress Notes in the chart of a patient, donor, or surrogate - there is a progress note section inside each individual cycle for the laboratory team to record additional notes and findings....
An embryo transfer is documented in Lab Notes using the graphical user interface within a cycle. Use the Embryo Transfer tab to add additional information such as SART embryo grading. Document ET in L...
Documenting cryopreservation is a two-step process. The process enables all of the information from Lab Notes to be seamlessly imported to the cryopreservation log for the practice. The first step is ...
Lab Notes is used to track all aspects of an embryo's stages, including biopsy and testing results. Using the tools in Lab Notes and the PGT tab, all biopsy and PGT (PGS/PGD) results may be recorded a...
This manual provides steps on the process of bringing fresh Donor Eggs into Lab Notes. This will focus on how to route or allocate donor eggs through the Egg Donor Bank to their final disposition, to ...