Inside of Lab Notes, there is the ability to print the entire lab summary for the cycle. This may be printed at any time for the patient or for internal use. From the lab notes page, select the print...
Every action performed in Lab Notes is recorded in the Audit Log, located in the Progress Notes Tab. This may be viewed and printed at any time. In Lab Notes select the Progress Notes tab, the Logs ( ...
Use the Andrology tab in Lab Notes to record your semen analysis associated with an IVF cycle, the insemination record and the reagents used. Andrology Tab Use the following sections for your cycle An...
In Artisan, you are easily able to allocate an IP's eggs/embryos to a surrogacy recipient cycle. Within the surrogacy recipient cycle Lab Notes, you are able to manage embryo development (in a fresh ...
Artisan allows for the capture of all billing charges from D0-D7 within the treatment cycle. The IVF billing feature will allow for easy use of selecting what procedures were performed. This informati...
Egg Thaw cycles are used to thaw oocytes in a cycle that can be used for a transfer or to cryopreserve embryos for a future FET. Navigation From Lab Notes select on the oocyte thaw tab, enter in the...
Grid sizing in Lab Notes In Lab Notes you are able to customize your lab notes cell days. This allows the client to adjust the cell sizes of the days in the lab. To adjust your cell sizes move you...