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Artisan Set Up

  • Enable Instant Messaging

    Artisan features a secure instant messaging (IM) system. The IM portal will deliver messages to the patient's Artisan smartphone app or to their secure web-based Patient Portal. Enable IM During Offic...

  • Patient Handout Documents

    Patient handout is a useful tool for you to communicate with your patients through the patient portal. Using patient handouts allows you to send  instructional documents to your patient. Navigation Cl...

  • Marketing Referral Library

    Artisan allows the clinic to add a marketing referral on a prospective patient's account.  The marketing referrals must first be set up in the Marketing Referral Library. Navigation In the control pan...

  • Treatment Planning Set-Up

    Treatment Planning works in conjunction with the Patient Expense Estimator and will provide clinical information regarding their treatment plan and a sample calendar. Treatment Template Set-up Only a ...