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IVF Cycle Management

  • Administer Trigger, Schedule ER and Create a Luteal Phase Calendar

    Creating the Trigger and the Luteal Phase Calendar is the next step when a practitioner determines a patient is ready for their Trigger shot.  This opens up the gateway for the laboratory to have acce...

  • Convert IVF Cycle to IUI

    In the event that an IVF cycle is planned and mid-cycle the decision is made to convert to IUI, follow the below steps. From the Cycle Sheet, select the Trigger tab. Select Convert to IUI, then click ...

  • IUI Note

    Documentation for an IUI can be created within the IUI/OI treatment cycle. IUI/OI cycle sheets are set up much like IVF cycle sheets. The IUI note is the second to last tab on the top of the cycle she...

  • Creating ART Cycle Progress Notes

    Use Calendar Wizard to record Progress Notes during a patient's ART cycle. You may bring a laptop into the treatment room to record ultrasound results and treatment plans. Document Patient Care You ma...

  • Update Patient's Treatment Calendar From Progress Notes Within a Treatment Cycle

    One of our key design concepts is to eliminate typing wherever possible. You can create/edit medication instructions (creating stock text) to enable the user to update patient calendars with just a fe...

  • Convert IUI Cycle to IVF

    There are times that an OI/IUI patient stimulates more robustly than expected and will need to be converted to an IVF cycle for patient safety.  There is an easy way within Artisan to convert an IUI c...

  • Adding a Custom Medication Once a Treatment Plan has been Established

    If a physician decides to add a medication to a patient's treatment plan once the plan has been established, this can be done easily.  This can only be added to a Stimulation Phase of the plan and not...