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Link Donors & Surrogates to Intended Parents

Use this tool to document a patient's egg donor and/or surrogate and link the two charts together.

To Link Donors and GCs to IPs

While in the Intended Parent's chart, go to Clinical Tools (stethoscope) and click on Third Parties in the drop down menu.

On the Third Parties screen, click Add New Party.  

On the Add New Party Screen:

1. Select the third party type from the drop down: Egg Donor, Surrogate or Patient.

2. Select the name of the third party that is to be linked to the patient.  

3. Click Add.

1. Go To Surrogate/Egg Donor will allow you to access the chart of the linked third party        with one click.

2. Agency: Type in the name of the agency that the surrogate or egg donor is affiliated with (if applicable).

3. Contact: Type in the contact of the agency that the surrogate or egg donor is affiliated with (if applicable).

4. Current/Inactive: Mark the third party as current or inactive.  The donor or surrogate can be marked as inactive once they have completed their cycle with the intended parent.

5. Notes: Make any notes that need to be communicated to other staff regarding the third party.

6. Trash can: Click the trash can to delete a third party at any time the chart was linked incorrectly.  **Do not Delete the third party when they are no longer active as that will remove the record of the parties having ever been linked.   

The linked third party can be accessed by going through the Clinical Tool >Third Party or by clicking on the heart in the top right corner of the intended parent's Summary.  

Third parties can also be viewed under Third Parties at the bottom of the intended parent's Summary.

 The Third Party Party link can also be accessed from the donor or surrogates's chart.  While in the Donor or Surrogate Portal, click on the second tab that is labeled Surrogate Info in the Surrogate Portal or Donor Info in the Donor Portal.  Click on the Heart icon in the top right corner of the Contact Information.

The intended parent's chart can be accessed here by clicking Go To Patient.  The link to the intended parent's chart can be removed from the donor or surrogate's chart by clicking on the Trash Can icon.  Add any notes on the donor or surrogate's Third Party link in the Notes section.

**All manuals are compliant with HIPPA regulations.  No patient information has been released.  All screenshots above were taken from a test clinic with fake patient information.

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