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Surrogacy Cycles-Creating Cycles for Surrogates and IPs

Coordinating third party parenting cycles is very similar to a basic IVF cycle. The tools are the same, however, there are a few extra steps to accommodate these more complex cycle types.

Creating Cycles for Surrogates and IPs

All surrogate cycle types (fresh transfer from patient, FET, donor, etc.) will be created using the same designation in Artisan, Surrogacy Recipient.  Depending on the nature of the surrogacy cycle, the surrogate and IP/surrogate and donor may need separate cycles. Here are the most common cases:

  1. Surrogacy Cycle-FET (either from an embryo created from patient or donor contributions)
  2. Surrogacy Cycle- Fresh Embryo Transfer from Patient IVF Cycle
  3. Surrogacy Cycle- Fresh Embryo Transfer from Donor Egg Cycle

Make Sure the IP/Patient and Surrogate are Linked

For detailed instructions on linking the IP and surrogate charts, please refer to the manual Link Donors and Surrogates to Intended Parents.

Surrogacy Cycle-FET

This cycle type will only require one cycle, a Surrogacy Recipient cycle, as the embryo that will be transferred has already been formed.

Click Calendar Wizard to begin.  Make sure the intended parent's chart is selected in the patient search:

1. Select Create an ART Treatment Cycle.

2.  Select the radio button for Surrogacy Recipient.

2.  Enter Cycle day 1 for Stimulation.

3. Click Create Cycle.

  1. For this cycle type, either from an embryo created from patient or donor contributions, select FET.
  2. Select Surrogate from the drop down menu by typing the last name of the surrogate.
  3. Click Continue.

From here, the steps are the same as any other FET cycle.

1. Select the ovulation induction protocol from the drop-down menu and click Create ART Calendar.

2. Click Insert Dates.

Once the ART calendar is created, the instructions will automatically be sent to the surrogate's portal.  Click the printer icon to notify the surrogate via email that she has new medication instructions.

Surrogacy Cycle- Fresh Transfer Embryo from Patient IVF Cycle

Step 1: Surrogate Cycle- Surrogacy Recipient

Click Calendar Wizard to begin.  Make sure the intended parent's chart is selected in the patient search:

1. Select Create an ART Treatment Cycle.

2.  Select the radio button for Surrogacy Recipient.

2.  Enter Cycle day 1 for Stimulation.

3. Click Create Cycle.

  1. For this cycle type, with a fresh transfer from a patient in an IVF cycle, select Patient.
  2. Select Surrogate from the drop down menu by typing the last name of the surrogate.
  3. Click Continue.

From here, the steps are the same as an FET cycle.

1. Select the ovulation induction protocol from the drop-down menu and click Create ART Calendar.

2. Then Insert Dates.

Once the ART calendar is created, the instructions will automatically be sent to the surrogate's portal.  Click the printer icon to notify the surrogate via email that she has new medication instructions.

Step 2: IP Cycle-IVF

The next step is to create an IVF cycle for the IP. To do so follow the standard steps of creating an IVF cycle in Calendar Wizard.  For detailed instructions on this, read the manual Calendar Wizard: Using ART Protocol Templates to Create Treatment Calendars. On the lab referral in the intended parent's IVF cycle, the transfer information will not be filled out as that information will be captured in the Lab Referral on the Surrogacy Recipient Cycle.

Surrogacy Cycle- Fresh Transfer Embryo from Donor Egg Cycle

Step 1: Surrogate Cycle-Surrogacy Recipient

Click Calendar Wizard to begin. Make sure the intended parent's chart is selected in the patient search:

1. Select Create an ART Treatment Cycle.

2.  Select the radio button for Surrogacy Recipient.

2.  Enter Cycle day 1 for Stimulation.

3. Click Create Cycle.

  1. For this cycle type, with a fresh embryo transfer from a donor egg cycle, select Donor Egg.
  2. Select the Ovum Donor/Egg Donor from the drop down menu by typing the last name of the egg donor and clicking on her name.
  3. Then select Surrogate from the drop down menu by typing the last name of the surrogate and clicking on her name.
  4. Click Continue.

From here, the steps are the same as an FET cycle.

1. Select the ovulation induction protocol from the drop down menu and click Create ART Calendar.

2. Then Insert Dates.

Once the ART calendar is created, the instructions will automatically be sent to the surrogate's portal.  Click the printer icon to notify the surrogate via email that she has new medication instructions.

Step 2: Donor Cycle-Donor Banking

Follow the steps of a Donor Banking cycle, the recipient will be the IP/Patient. For detailed instructions on how to set up the donor banking cycle, read the manual Donor Cycles- Creating Cycles for Egg Donors and Donor Egg Recipients.

Preparing Surrogates for Transfer/Triggering Egg Providers

Preparing Surrogates for Transfer

Follow all of the standard FET steps for completing the luteal phase protocol that is appropriate for the surrogate:

1. Enter the begin Progesterone date.

2. Select the luteal phase protocol. (As necessary build surrogacy specific calendars)

3. Click Create Luteal Calendar.

4. Enter the Embryo Transfer Date and Time.


The luteal phase calendar will automatically be sent to the surrogate's portal.  Click the printer icon to notify the surrogate via email of new medication instructions.

Triggering Egg Providers

If there is an egg provider and this is not an FET, make sure to trigger the egg provider in their respective cycle as well.

Notes About Cycle Locations for IPs and Surrogates

The surrogacy cycle will live in the chart of the IP and the Surrogate.  

  • In the patient chart, the cycle will be listed as Surrogacy Recipient. This will allow for easy access and the records to be linked.

In the surrogate's chart, the cycles will be listed by the protocol name.

**All manuals are compliant with HIPPA regulations.  No surrogate information has been released.  All screenshots above were taken from a test clinic with fake surrogate information.

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