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SA Template Setup

In order to enter SA results into the system, you will need to build a SA template that captures all the required fields by your practice. The templates are customizable to fit the needs of your practice. 


From the home screen select the Administrative icon in the left-hand corner 

Next, select the second column item Manage Data. Once this is selected select Semen Analysis Template. 

To create a new template select Create A New Template this will open a window that allows you to create the template name. 

This is a free text field, enter the template name and select ok. Once ok is selected the template name will now display on the left side of the screen in the library.  

To build items within this the template select the template name that you entered and select edit this template. Once you select edit this template the fields and custom options will be available for you select. 

The Template Name will appear in the left-hand corner

Custom Form Builder Fields 

1. Text field- Allows for fee text space with the custom title.  

2. Select Field- Allows for dropdown. 

3. Text Area- Stock text-ability within the custom title. 

4. Radio Group- Enables radio buttons within the custom title.

5. Date Field- Allows you to enter in the additional date field.

6. Checkboxes Group- Enables checkbox option.

7. Time Field- Allows for additional time field.

Building dropdown, radio options, and checkboxes. 

Click inside the label box and free text the title of the dropdown.

Next, click on the +Add Option button to open up a free text cell.

Click Add to save the option. Repeat one line item at a time to add as many options as desired. 

The dropdown options will now be listed below the dropdown title. 

To edit and delete options

To edit and delete the dropdown option select the pencil to update the name and the trash icon to delete that entry.

Click ok to save this custom field 

The title of the custom field will display on the drafted template. The purple box to the right in the field indicates this is an editable field. Click on this to open up the fields to edit. 

(Please follow these same steps to build Radio Group and Checkbox Group) 

Examples of Displays in  Live Template

This is how the checkboxes will appear in the live template

This is how radio buttons will appear in the live template

This is how the drop-down options will appear in the template. 

Available Fields  

The available fields to the right will allow you to select the fields to add them into the template you are creating. 

To add a field to your template select the (+) next to the Title. The field will appear to the left with a green plus sign to the right indicating this item has been used. A green number will show next to the field displaying how many times this field is used in this template. 

To delete an item select the trash can icon

To adjust the size of the field select the double arrow and select the desired cell percentage. 

The selected size will now display on the drafted template. 

(The same fields apply for the custom form builder for the double arrow to utilize  field size)

Other Custom Fields

 Text is a free text area which enables a free text field

 Line Break- Allows for a space between items in the template. This can be used for creating different categories and sections within the template as well as formatting options. 

EX: This is how the line break looks in the live template. 


3. Horizontal Rule adds a line in between sections within the template but can also be used for formatting the template for ease of information translation.


Ex: This is how the Horizontal Line displays in the live template.

4.  The Heading is a custom field that allows for a custom title 

Ex: This is how the Heading option is displayed in the live template. 

Calculation Fields

Once your template is completed the Post Wash field will calculate based on the numerical information entered within the live template. 


Ex: This is how the post-wash field is entered in the live template. Once the numerical data is entered the total motile will start to calculate.

From the Semen Analysis builder once all fields have selected select save to save the fields for your custom template. 


Once the template is saved it will live in the Seman Analysis library to the left.  Once selected all the field items will display upon selecting the template.

Editing existing templates/ Duplicating existing templates

To edit an existing template select that template then select the option to Edit this template. The template that was selected will open and allow you to make edits. once you are finished with the edits select the save button to save all new fields. 

To duplicate a template select create a new template by duplicating this template and this will duplicate the template. After the duplicate template is created you can edit the template and make all necessary changes. 

Select Delete this template to delete the template from the library. 

Choose files or drag and drop files
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  1. Quinesha Bentley

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