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Reciprocal IVF/Partner IVF

Reciprocal IVF, or Partner IVF, is an option that allows both members of a same sex couple to be physically involved in their child’s conception.  In reciprocal IVF, one partner supplies the eggs to be fertilized with donor sperm , while the other partner is the gestational carrier of the pregnancy.

Reciprocal IVF Chart Setup 

The best way to set up a Reciprocal IVF cycle is by identifying the individual that is going to have their eggs retrieved as the egg provider.  The other individual in this situation (in this case, the person who is going to have the embryo transfer), will be identified as the recipient. 

NOTE: Previously the egg provider was required to be the primary patient and the recipient was required to be the partner on the chart. This is no longer the case as either patient or partner can be assigned the appropriate cycle type. 

Creating the Reciprocal Egg Provider cycle in Calendar Wizard

Navigate to the Calendar Wizard area, and ensure the proper chart is displayed in the search bar in the top left corner. If this is not the correct patient, you can clear the current patient and search for the correct patient. 

1.  Select Create an ART Treatment Cycle.

2. Select Reciprocal IVF Egg Provider.

3. Enter Cycle Day 1 for stimulation.

4. Click Create Cycle.

A popup will appear asking to select the Egg Provider. Click on the magnifying glass in dropdown field and select the appropriate egg provider from the dropdown. 

Select Continue.  

The Egg Provider cycle will be opened and can be navigated as needed. 

Creating the Reciprocal Recipient cycle in Calendar Wizard

Navigate to the Calendar Wizard area, and ensure the proper chart is displayed in the search bar in the top left corner. If this is not the correct patient, you can clear the current patient and search for the correct patient. 

Within Calendar Wizard:

1.  Select Create an ART Treatment Cycle.

2.  Select Reciprocal Recipient.

3.  Select date for Cycle Day 1 for stimulation.

4.  Click on Create Cycle.

1. If the recipient will be having a fresh transfer using embryos that were created with the egg providers eggs then, select Fresh IVF.  

If the recipient will be having an FET from embryos that were created using the egg providers egg, you will select FET. 

2. Select the appropriate person who will be having the embryo transfer by selecting the magnifying glass in the dropdown (patient or partner). 

3. Select Continue. 

The Egg Recipient cycle will be opened and can be navigated as needed. 

You will now be able to see both the egg provider cycle as well as the recipient cycle from clinical info.  Each cycle can be easily accessed by clicking on the Date of the cycle which will bring you to the corresponding cycle. NOTE: The cycles which appear in black text belong to the patient of the chart. The cycles which appear in orange text belong to the partner of the chart. 

*All manuals are compliant with HIPPA regulations.  No patient information has been released.  All screenshots above were taken from a test clinic with fake patient information.

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