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The #1 Support Question - What do I do when my computer freezes?

My computer "froze" with a Pinwheel. What do I do?

Every once in awhile you will see this happen. After you click a button to perform a task you see a pinwheel and nothing happens for a minute. You might come back five minutes later and it is still spinning. What is the problem?

Turns out that Artisan is just thinking too hard...

Actually, the computer uses little programs called "scripts" to do all of the tasks that we ask of it.  Sometimes the scripts either get interrupted or there is a conflict between two scripts. The "Pinwheel" is the computer's way of saying that it can't figure out the conflict. So it just sits there until someone - that would be you, the user - terminates the script.

Just refresh the page to stop a Pinwheel

Simply perform a "Page refresh" to stop the spinning Pinwheel:

For Mac Users: type Command + R

For PC Users: type Control + R

If you get a dialog box that asks: Are You Sure You Want to Reload This Page click yes.

Choose files or drag and drop files
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